Day trips into Lesotho

Posted on Sat January 5, 2019.

When staying at Affi lande,a day trip into magical Lesotho, also known as the "Kingdom in the sky" is one of the things that must be on your bucket list.
The Caledon border post is a mere 13km from us and with easy access into Lesotho there are many day trip options for an unforgettable experience

Day trips into Lesotho (border post 13km away)

NOTE: You need a valid passport to enter Lesotho

Lesotho is the only independent state in the world that lies entirely above 1000 meters ( 3281 feet).   The country has a rich culture and a rugged beauty, snow-covered for much of the winter months and a wonderland of beauty and wildflowers in the summer. The Sotho people laugh easily and are friendly and helpful.  

  • Day Trip to Katse Dam
  • Liphofung Cave
  • Melutsunyane Falls
  • Afri ski
  • Maliba lodge

Sotho village 






Katse dam 

Further Reading

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Top reasons for staying at Affi Lande Boetiek Guest Farm Great hospitality Very comfortable and homely chalets Plenty to do on the farm and in the area Easy to access My kids and I thoroughly enjoyed our stay thanks to Adri and Leon’s hospitality, the comfort of our chalet and the beautiful scenery.

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